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TaNeesha Jackson

Once I started reading I couldn’t put it down! The Heart Wants is a captivating, unorthodox story on the power of love. There are moments of humor, action, sadness, but overall the message it conveys is truly powerful. The characters are painted vividly and colorfully with their personalities jumping off the page! The Heart Wants does a perfect job of including faith and entertainment into one.

CRIT·IC /ˈkridik/ 
2. a person who judges the merits of literary, artistic, or musical works, especially one who does so professionally.
"a film critic"

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I was learning the true meaning of loving people unconditionally and I wrote The Heart Wants, a faith based fiction book for the sake of GOOD entertainment and I mean GOOD in many context. GOOD in a way that as the audience reads, it makes them feel joyful and hopeful in the possibility of a life surrounded with good people who are kind, selfless, encouraging and simply genuine. We quite often magnify bad news and the pain we experience in life, but if we take a moment to view content that brings us enlightenment and encouragement, we might overpower the narrative that life is only a daily struggle. If we can create content that brings forth the mindset that life is something to be cherished and thoroughly enjoyed, a cup filled with such goodness might spill over and be an ever flowing resource for those who need it.

These illustrations were created for the “pitch bible” in an effort to help production companies see the vision for the full-length movie.
Art Direction and color detail by Leanne Vi
Illustrations by Unmatte.

©2024 by Ariel Franklin | Creative Director

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